B. Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engg.

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  • B. Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engg.
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering aims at producing qualified engineers in the areas of electronics, communication engineering, signal processing and instrumentation. The field of electronics and communication is advancing at a very rapid pace. Digital electronics has taken the center stage in every area be it computer, microprocessor or communications. The department is well equipped with a group of highly qualified and dynamic teachers. It boasts of laboratory facility to be one of the best in the state. The students are encouraged and motivated to take up challenging projects. Summer training, industrial visit and projects are carefully planned for the students to remain updated with the technology trend. Seminars and short courses are regularly organized to update the students with the latest in the education and industry trends.
 INTAKE :60 Seats 
Lab Facilities :
·         Electrical Machine-I & II Lab
·         Basic electrical & electronics engineering Lab
·         Electrical Machine & power device Lab
·         Network Device Lab
·         Power Electronics Lab
·         Control & Instrumentation Lab
·         Electrical & Electronics Measurement Lab
·         Electrical Drives Lab.
·         Advance Computational & Simulation Lab. 
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