B. Tech in Electronics & Comm. Engg.

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  • B. Tech in Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Electronics & Communication Engineering deals with the electronic devices, circuits, communication equipments like transmitter, receiver, integrated circuits (IC). It also deals with basic electronics, analog and digital transmission & reception of data, voice and video (Example AM, FM, DTH), microprocessors, satellite communication, microwave engineering, antennae and wave progression. It aims to deepen the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, systems implementation, operation, production, and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering. What does an Electronics & Communication Engineer do?
All of the applications which make our life easier and enjoyable such as Television, Radio, Computers, Mobiles etc. are designed and developed by Electronics and Communication Engineers
Design and maintain satellites, which bring TV, telephone and Internet service into remote and rural regions. ECE Engineers also creates advanced communication facilities like video conferencing which bring people together from all over the world.
Develops programs for various control and communication systems.
INTAKE :60 Seats
Electronic & Communication Engineers can find the opportunities in any of the following category..... 
·         Service Engineer
·         Software Analyst
·         Technical Director
·         Field Test Engineer
·         Senior Sales Manager
·         Network Planning Engineer
·         Customer Support Engineer
·         Electronics and Communications Consultant
·         Research & Development Software Engineer
Lab Facilities :  
·         Basic Electronics Lab.
·         Analog Electronics Circuit Lab
·         Digital Electronics Lab
·         Microprocessor And Microcontroller Lab
·         High Frequency Engineering Lab
·         Communication Engineering Lab
·         Analog Communication Lab
·         Digital Communication Lab
·         VLSI Lab
·         Digital Signal Processing Lab
·         Signals and Systems Lab 
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