General Grievance Redressal

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About General Grievance Redressal Committee

Fundamental purpose for which the General Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted is to address grievances and issues reportedby the members of the community other than women or SC/ST aggrieved entities.
Structure –The Grievance Redressal committee will comprise the following 
  • One member from the top of the administration
  • One member from the level of professor
  • Some senior faculty members from the college
  • One member from non-teaching group
  • One member from student committee


1) Physical or mental harassment of staff/student.
2) Delay/non receipt of salary of any staff.
3) Working Culture of staff/student.
4) Welfare Measure of staff/student.
5) Feedback in both academic and non-academic.
6) Safety Measure of staff/student. 


Steps to Lodge the Complaints
1) All staff and students may feel free to put up a grievance in the college.
2) The complaint must understand his /her nature of complain before complain to the authority.
3) All complaint must have identification (ID No).
4) The complaint must abide by the term and privacy before complain.
5) The complaint must write his/her grievances in the prescribed format and drop it in the box provided the office.
6) The complaint can lodge his/her grievance either in person or in writing or by telephone.
7) The complaint can lodge his/her grievance either by off line or online.

Redressal Procedure

1) All grievances received by Grievance cell will act upon those case which have been forwarded along with necessary documents
2) All grievances received by Grievance cell will be registered in a register.
3) The committee will meet at least once in a month to resolve the received grievances.
4) Grievance cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by cell.
5) The result of the grievance will be conveyed to the concerned complaint.
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