Reporting of Grievance
Whom to Report / maintained by
Time frame for Disposal
Report to
Check/Control Point
Step I
Written Grievance by the complainant
Grievance to be submitted to the Co-ordinator
If needed be reported to the Chairman of the Committee
Principal of the Institute to check the Grievance Register at least once in a month.
Step II
Grievance Register is to be maintained indicating the name of the complainant, date of receipt of complaint, subject matter, Complaint No., date of disposal and remarks column.
The report is to be maintained by any member of the Committee
24 hrs
To be reported to the Coordinator of the Committee l
Step III
Hearing of the Grievance/ Getting to know the problem
Members of the Committee
2 working days
Committee is to submit report to the chairman.
Step IV
Communicating the decision to the complainant in writing and getting the signature in office copy
The decision of the committee is to be communicated to the Director
Within 6 working days
Report to the director of the institution.
Step V
If complainant is not satisfied he/she has a right to appeal in writing against the decision of the Committee
The appeal can be sent to the Ombudsman of the University
Appeal should be sent within six working days of the said decision
The decision will be communicated to the Director of the institute